Friday, 25 September 2015

How to Spot Fake Converse All Star

How to Spot Fake Converse All Star

Okay, let’s get down the topic. I’m gonna explain the ways to spot a fake pair Converse and the real one, in a less boring manner :

For the Indonesian version of this post, please click here:

1. Price

Let’s say I’m gonna buy a pair of Converse All Star but I don't know how much the price is. A pair of All Star (Classic) cost $50 (low-top) and $55 (high-top) according to and the official Converse stores. The new model, the Converse All Star Chuck II, retailed for $70 (low-top) and $75 (hi-top). The John Varvatos edition could be at least $100.

For Indonesian viewers, the price of Converse All Star is Rp. 400,000 (low-top) and Rp. 550,000 at Converse Stores and other shoes vendors such as Sp*rtS**tion, Pl**et Sports, and V****ria Shoes.

The Missoni series

Chucks Warhol edition

Special editions such as Missoni, Warhol, etc could cost more than the basic models. If the price for the classic is half a million rupiahs, these models are 750,000 to 1,2 million rupiahs. As for the Chuck II, you can get a pair of those for a million rupiahs. As for John Varvatos edition, the lowest price could be around 1,300,000 to 1,500,000 depending on the variants.

The Converse All Star John Varvatos
If someone offers you a pair of Chucks somewhere way below the price, be cautious. Study the price first, don’t get attracted by the suspicious much lower price. For Indonesian viewers, a gap of Rp. 50,000-100,000 is quite reasonable price since stores set price higher for rent and employees. Be aware of the product if you’re being offered half-price or more from someone (not from stores) as the shoes might not be what you want to buy.

The 70s Chucks

As we know, the 70s Chucks are more expensive than the Classic ones. A pair of low-top 70s Chucks retailed 750,000 rupiahs, and a high-top pair will be yours for 800,000 rupiahs.

2. Check the box.

2 boxes containing white hi-top and black hi-top

The real pair of Chucks come in a proper box and in a good shape. The box should contain the shoes, official tag and the shoes paper. If some are not included or the box isn’t properly built, you might need to stop. Inspect the box, make sure the shoes and the picture of them on the label on the box are the same.

the original tag until 2012

The tag itself is now used on the non-original pairs, though. But if we take a closer look, there must be differences in the colours, font, and the paper material.

3. Inspect the shoes.

Now it's time to take your Chucks, read the explainations below and study it.

A. The original pair are quite heavy when dropped to the floor. They are made of high quality materials and you can be sure of the quality. The pair are also durable. The non-original or the fake ones are easily worn-out, frail, and not durable due to poor quality of the materials.

B. The rubber tip is slippery when rubbed, unlike the rough and stiff surface of the fake Chucks. The original Chucks are flexible and elastic, and the fake ones are rigid. Moreover, the outer sole would look like as it’s peeling off when you bend the shoe. Me myself have a bad experience with this.

C. The racing stripes on the rubber will not fade after being worn. On the fake shoes, it will fade as some of them are just painted.

D. The original All Stars have dark blue emblem and well-built. The emblem, star, “Converse” font and the Chuck Taylor signature match the ones shown in the catalogue, or the official website. The fake ones are contradictive, the font, star, colour are not the same, and not properly stitched. If the logo or the “All Star” look different, they’re obviously fake.

note the heel stitching is black, since fake ones usually in white

E. Check out the colour and the stitches. Solid, firm, and tidy stitches are found on the original Chucks. The fake ones are frail, and stitches randomly done and not arranged well. The colour of the canvas would easily fade. To know the official colours of Chucks, please consult, check what colours are there. If it’s not the special edition but the colour is different from the official colours or in the catalogue, it’s fake.

F. Production code : Converses made in Indonesia have 4 codes (6x for the shoes made in Tangerang city, 6c from Purwakarta, 6k from Bogor and 6y from the factory in Sukabumi). Vietnamese-built Converses have the 9Z, 9C, 9D, or 9D. 7B, 7E, and 7D are codes of the Converse imported from China. There's also shoes that were manufactured in India, which can be identified from its code number (2). Check the sizing too, see if it suits us.

That would be all that I could tell you about how to spot a fake Converse. Everthing based on my experience and my friends' too. If you have more info or feedback, please comment here adn inform me for corrections. I’ll be glad to receive corrections and suggestions.

sources :,,,

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Begadang dan Mahasiswa

Begadang dan Mahasiswa


udah lama banget yah ngga nulis lagi entri blog karena sering lupa dan males, ditambah lagi ngga ada niat buat bikin entri baru dalam blog kecil yang menyedihkan ini haha

Mulai pertengahan 2015 ini Batheki rilis tulisan-tulisan fiksi, jadi tambahan entri setelah selama ini blog ini isinya selalu non-fiksi atau hal2 yg berhubungan sama kehidupan sehari-hari. Terobosan yang terlambat dateng di saat blog-blog lain udah terkenal dan kerrreeennn banget. Kok ini malah baru mulai (bukannya dari dulu gitu ya?)

Inilah dia.... entri blog Bathekistik no. sekian ...... BEGADANG DAN MAHASISWA

Emang, ya kata "begadang" bisa jadi sahabat terbaik mahasiswa dalam mengarungi (maksudnya menjalani buka 'mengarungi' dimasukin ke dalem karung, hmpp) masa studinya di perguruan tinggi, bisa juga musuh besar. Sebelumnya kita kenalan dulu ama begadang

Mengacu pada :

begadang/be·ga·dang/ v berjaga tidak tidur sampai larut malam: semalam dia -- sehingga pagi ini ia mengantuk

Bahasa simpelnya apa ya? ngga tidur semaleman kah? ngikutin lagu dangdut 70an kah? atau punya ide lebih keren? intinya itu deh, tetep melek sampe tengah malem yg sunyi dan kepala udah mulai pusing atau agak berat....

Begini deh hal-hal yang menyebabkan seorang mahasiswa/i atau lebih bisa nggak tidur di malem hari

1. TUGAS (ya ampun....)
Kalimat "ya ampun" dirasa udah cukup ngewakilin beratnya atau malesnya para mahasiswa berurusan dengan hal yang satu ini. Singkat dan njlebb. Akan tetapi, betapapun malasnya (sok formal, hehe) mahasiswa ya harus ngerjain tugas, kalo pengen dapet nilai atau terhindar dari ngulang hahaha. Orang suka lupa waktu, dari fotokopian yang banyak bertuliskan tugas-tugas dari dosen. Bisa juga bermalem di sekre himpunan atau UKM, ngurusin acara, nyusun dekorasi, de-el-el. Itu juga tugas kan....

Seru ya, nonton film/drama kesukaan hasil download dari wi-fi gratis atau mbayar...apalagi kalo nontonnya malem-malem, sambil ngemil kacang atau ada minuman di pinggir 'lappy' atau monitor komputer. Para cowok selalu penasaran sama aksi tim bola kesukaan sambil nunggu kemenangan yg mereka harap. Biasanya laga bola di Eropa atau Amerika yg perbedaan waktunya jauh ama Indonesia jadi siarannya juga (sebagian) tengah malem. Acara olahraga pokoknya susah banget dilewatin (buat sebagian cowok dan sebagian kecil cewek)

Kebayang kan? nyari Latar Belakang Teori, nyusun Rumusan Masalah yg ujung-ujungnya seirama sama Tujuan, dan Asumsi. Belum lagi ngutip dalil-dalil dari buku yg gede banget plus langka dan minjemnya dari perpus (atau perpus Univ. lain) SEMUA ITU DILAKUIN DALAM 1 MALAM !!!

Nggak, sebenernya lebih berat dari itu! apalagi dikejar bimbingan pas hari besoknya yang udah mengunggu sedangkan revisi belum dikerjain. Kepaksa deh, harus ngurangin jadwal tidur di malem hari buat beresin revisi skripsi. Daripada ngga beres, Sob. Jangan suka tunda kerjaan skripsi karena skripsi bukan ban bekas yg suka ditumpuk-tumpuk sama Mang Tambal Ban di pinggir jalan.... (please dong ah...)

Kata "skripsi" bisa aja berkonotasi negatif atau jadi kata tabu buat beberapa orang, entah itu buat mereka yg galau gara-gara tugas akhir itu atau masih ngulang. Kadang orang males jawab pertanyaan : Hei, udah bab berapa? atau revisi udah nyampe mana sob? Jamak banget, hahaha!!!

Waktu sejam serasa 10 menit buat para pecandu game, bahkan setengah hari pun masih agak singkat kalo kadar keranjingan game-nya udah di tingkat nasional. Awalnya sih, main pas beres Isya tapi gara-gara levelnya belum beres atau lagi greget-gregetnya lawan tim rival berat di PES/FIFA/FM bablas ampe tengah malem, bahkan pagi!!

Para mahasiswi mungkin ga terlalu suka bagian ini. Sudah kuduga....
(bentar ya, Batheki mau beresin dulu balapan di Grid Autosport...) #tepukjidat

Siapa hayooo yang sengaja suka pantengin radio malem-malam sampe tengah malem buat cerita prahara ama si penyiarnya??? Atau BBM-an sama seseorang buat curhat?
Kadang waktu malem atau larut malem dipake buat cerita ama seseorang atau nulis di blog (kyk yg Batheki lakuin) atau sosmed lainnya karena selain suasananya lebih tenang, resiko ada orang yg nguping lebih kecil daripada di siang hari. Mungkin juga karena malemnya kepikiran dan ngga bisa tidur.

Dari 6 poin itu begadang bisa disebut deket ama kehidupan sehari-hari mahasiswa. Entah kamu ngelakuinnya seminggu sekali, sebulan sekali, seumur hidup sekali atau tiap malem, itu pernah dilakuin. Namun, ada mudharatnya juga....

1. Keseringan begadang bikin sakit (masuk angin, pilek, flu, gangguan kesuburan, kurang darah, dan masalah kesehatan lainnya)

2. Bikin jam tidur tubuh kacau atau kebalik dalam jangka waktu panjang (susahnya kalo udah kerja atau masuk sekolah)

3. Dapet gelar "Si Kalong" dari orang-orang terdekat

4. Mental keganggu (resah, gelisah, cepet marah, ngga sabar, konsentrasi berkurang)

5. Bikin kita acuh sama keadaan luar misalnya kerjaan, kampus (kalo begadangnya bukan karena ngerjain tugas)
informasi tambahan : 

Semoga bermanfaat dan terhibur yaaa nih ada videoklip buat nemenin kalian....

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