Sunday, 19 May 2013



This is the most memorable F1 race I've ever watched. Agree or not it's your choice but this is truly memorable and I wanna tell you about the race...

It was the last race of the 2008 season. It was held in Brazil, at Interlagos. The result of the race will decide the world champion. There were two strong contenders: Lewis Hamilton and Felipe Massa. Hamilton lead the classement with 94 points, second was Massa with 87 points. Massa had nothing left to do but to win the race for the title, but Hamilton must finish 6th or less better. A'ight the race 's gonna be thrilling as Massa will race in his country and in the front of his local supporters. His supporters redden the Interlagos' tribunes. They come to support their hero to become the world champion.

And the race begins! As the drivers coming toward the first turn, David Coulthard, the senior driver who is retiring at the season has a crash with Nelson Piquet Jr. It is a bad end for DC, who has raced for years from The Age of Ayrton Senna till The Hamilton's Era ends his career in some tragic end at the first turn. DC walks away from his car, waving his hands to the crowd. It's like a sad goodbye, but he was a great man in F1.

Don't really remember the whole race, but I do remember the rain falls down for a while. Massa leads the race for many laps. Sorry, some the memories are still missing anyway...

So, let's move to the astonishing part. Lap 63, the rain falls down, but not heavily. Many drivers make stop to change tyres. Some change their tyres into intermediate tyres. Lap 66 and Hamilton & Sebastian Vettel, who still races for Toro Rosso at that time use intermediate ones. Hamilton is 5th and Vettel is right behind him. Toyota's Timo Glock tries to stay at the track with slick tyres. He hopes that he won't need to pit again so he will gain better position. On lap 69, the penultimate lap, rain falls down all of a sudden. Hamilton goes wide and Vettel takes over his position from the apex. I remember when James Allen, the TV commentator says that Hamilton could lose his chance to win the World Title. Vettel goes up into 5th and Glock, who is in 4th with slick tyres is being chased by Vettel and going slowly as the track is getting wet, so he's losing so much grip. At the front, It's only matter of time for Massa to win his home GP. Behind him, there are Fernando Alonso and Kimi Raikkonen.

THE LAST LAP. The tension is getting higher at Ferrari & Mclaren box. They are all curious. Curious of who's gonna go home with the World Title. Massa is all alone at the front, Hamilton is in 6th. If it stays like this Massa's the world champion. Glock is still in 4th, but Hamilton & Vettel are flying to pass him. Massa has finished the race when Hamilton was still on his way to the finish line. The crowd cheer as Massa crossed the finish line first. Alonso comes second. About 21 seconds later...Glock who makes a bad choice by not changing his tyres finally gets passed by Hamilton. This is what I remember most when the commentators say :
"Is that Glock, is that Glock going slowly?"
"Yes it is. Oh my goodness me, Hamilton's back in position again!"

photo when Hamilton passes Glock on the last lap
At the Ferrari box, the team with Massa's father, Luis, celebrates Felipe's victory. At the track, Hamilton steps on the gas to the finish line. He finishes fifth. Commentators say that Hamilton is the 2008 F1 World Champion. Hamilton is delighted after he crossed the finish line. At the Ferrari box, people who are screaming and celebrating Massa's victory including Massa's father are silenced when they watch on the TV screen hamilton finishes 5th. The celebration comes to early as Massa's "world title" was taken over in the front of his tifosis. That someway hurts inside very deep. The race result may not be predicted by both Ferrari & Mclaren before. At the other place of circuit Jenson Button's Honda RA107 is caught on fire. This is the last race for Honda, because they decide to withdraw from the "land jet competition".

Massa wipes his tears inside his car at the parc ferme. Keep spirit, Felipe!
At the top of the podium Massa tries hard to be strong after his "defeat". His supporters keep giving him spirit although Massa eventually fails to take the crown. At 2nd, there is Alonso, and Kimi Raikkonen fills the 3rd spot. The world champion Hamilton is not on the podium. The team Mclaren celebrate their driver's success. Oh, almost forget, there is also Hamilton's girlfriend who is also the vocalist of Pussycat Dolls, Nicole Scherzinger at the party. She also celebrates her boyfriend's success.

Honda Racing decide to call it a day because of crisis. Ferrari are crowned The Constructors' Champion. Lewis Hamilton becomes the youngest world champion ever in age of 23 before Sebastian Vettel breaks the record in 2010. He will join Red Bull Racing, as David Coulthard's successor. Glock is accused of "helping" Hamilton to win the title but he refuses that accusation.

Maybe that's all I can tell you all about the race. Some people may be glad to remember it, but on the other hand some may find it a bad memory. This is the best F1 race I've ever seen (on the TV because I haven't got the chance to see a race live, hhmm...). So, it's certain that sometimes miracle happens in F1. Massa who is predicted as the world champion finally defeated in the end of the race. I think I'll tell this to my kids someday...

You may find some inaccurate informations in this post. Please leave your comment for corrections.

Sources :,r:76,s:0,i:321&iact=rc&dur=1004&page=5&tbnh=176&tbnw=251&start=76&ndsp=20&tx=146&ty=66

Thursday, 2 May 2013



Ini balapan F1 yg paling berkesan dalam hidup gua...setuju ga setuju silaken aja tapi ini gila berkesan banget jadi pengen cerita...

Waktu itu balapan terakhir F1 musim 2008 di Brazil di sirkuit Interlagos. Yang paling ditunggu ya juara dunianya soalnya waktu itu calon juara dunianya ada dua: Lewis Hamilton ama Felipe Massa. Hamilton mimpin klasenen, poinnya 94, kedua Massa yg punya 87 poin. Massa mau ga mau harus menang kalo pengen jadi juara dunia, tapi Hamilton finisnya diluar 6 besar (ke enam ataw lebih belakangnya lagi). Wahh seru nih kayaknya soalnya Massa bakalan balap di negaranya sendiri. Para pendukungnya banyak banget ngedukung Massa biar juara dunia.

Pas balapan mulai, baru aja ditikungan pertama pembalap senior yg mau pensiun David Coulthard tabrakan ama Nelson Piquet Jr. Sial bgt buat DC karirnya yg udah bertaun-taun dari jaman Ayrton Senna ampe jaman Hamilton berakhir tragis ditutup di tikungan pertama. DC trus jalan keluar dari mobilnya sambil ngelambaiin tangan ke para penonton yaa semacem perpisahan yg sedih gitu lah hiks hiks...

Kurang inget gimana balapannya tapi seinget gua pas balapannya hujan lumayan lama. Massa terus mimpin lama banget. Yaah maaf rada lupa sih...

Langsung aja ke bagian yg serunya. Lap 63 hujan turun tapi gak begitu gede. Banyak pembalap masuk pit, ada juga yg ganti ban pake yg intermediate. Lap 66 Hamilton & Sebastian Vettel yg waktu itu masih di tim Toro Rosso juga pake ban intermediate Hamilton ke 5 trus Vettel ke 6. Pembalap Toyota (waktu itu) Timo Glock tetep pake ban slick dgn harapan biar ga usah masuk pit lagi dan naek posisinya. Pas lap 69 (dua lap lagi) hujan gede di sirkuit bikin Hamilton melebar trus disusul Vettel. Seingetnya waktu itu James Allen, komentator F1 bilang kalo Hamilton bisa aja kehilangan gelar juara dunia. Vettel posisinya naik jadi ke 5 dan Glock yg pake ban slick ke 4 tapi ngelambat karna treknya udah basah jadi kekurangan grip. Didepan Massa udah tinggal nunggu waktu buat menang. Dibelakangya ada Fernando Alonso & Kimi Raikkonen.

LAP TERAKHIR...di pit Mclaren & Ferrari semua yg ada disana tegang penasaran pengen tau siapa yg juara dunia. Massa sendirian jauh didepan, Hamilton ke 6. Kalo gini ceritanya Massa yg juara dunia. Glock masih ke 4, tapi Vettel & Hamilton dibelakangnya ngejar dgn cepet. Massa udah finis pas Hamilton masih setengah jalan lagi ke finis. Penonton bersorak sorai pas Massa finis kesatu, keduanya Alonso. Sekitar 21 detik kemudian... Glock yg udah kepayahan berhasil disusul Hamilton. Yang paling gua inget pas komentatornya ngomong:

"Is that Glock, is that Glock going slowly?"
"Yes it is. Oh my goodness me, Hamilton's back in position again!"
Foto waktu Lewis Hamilton nyusul Timo Glock di lap terakhir
Di pit Ferrari, tim ama bapaknya Massa, Luis Massa ngerayain juaranya Massa. Di trek, Hamilton langsung tancap gas sampe finis. Dia finis ke lima. Komentator bilang Hamilton juara dunia musim 2008. Hamilton kegirangan pas udah finis. Di pit Ferrari, orang-orang yg lagi ngerayain, teriak-teriak nyambut keberhasilan Massa termasuk sang bapak langsung diem semua pas liat Hamilton finis ke lima dari layar monitor di pit. Perayaan yg menyedihkan pas "titel" juara dunia Massa direbut didepan pendukungya sendiri. Sakit banget kayaknya. Mclaren & Ferrari ngga menduga hasilnya bakal begini. Pas Massa masuk parc ferme buat parkirin mobilnya dia nangis sedih sambil ngehapus air mata. Kayaknya sakit rasanya kalah didepan pendukung sendiri apalagi disaat-saat akhir kalahnya. Di tempat lain mobil Honda-nya Jenson Button kebakaran. Balapan ini yg terakhir buat Honda karna ngundurin diri dari ajang balap jet darat ini.

Massa yg sedih pas berhenti di parc ferme. Tetep semangat Felipe !
Di podium Massa coba tetep tegar nerima kekalahannya. Para pendukungnya tetep ngasih semangat pembalapnya biarpun ga jadi juara dunia juga akhirnya. Di podium ke 2 ada Alonso, ketiga diisi Kimi Raikkonen. Sang juara dunia Hamilton malah ga ada di podium. Tim Mclaren ngerayain keberhasilan pembalapnya jadi juara dunia. Gak lupa ada juga pacarnya Hamilton yg juga vokalis Pussycat Dolls Nicole Scherzinger yg ikut ngerayain kesuksesan yayangnya juara dunia.

Beres balapan itu Tim Honda ngundurin diri dari F1 karna krisis. Juara dunia konstruktornya Ferrari. Lewis Hamilton jadi juara dunia termuda sepanjang sejarah sebelum rekornya ini dipecahin Sebastian Vettel di taun 2011 yg nantinya masuk tim Red Bull ngegantiin David Coulthard.Glock sempet dicurigain "ngebantu"tapi dia ngebantahnya.

Ya segitu yang bisa gua ceritain. Ada orang yg seneng nginget-ngingetnya tapi ya ada yg kesel juga. Ini balapan yg terbaik yg pernah gua tonton (di TV soalnya blum ada rejeki nonton langsung hhmm...). Yang pasti keajaiban bisa kejadian di mana aja ngga terkecuali di balapan F1, dimana Massa yg diunggulin banget akhirnya kalah disaat-saat akhir. Kayaknya bakal gua ceritain ke anak-anak gua nanti hahaha!!

Sumber :,r:76,s:0,i:321&iact=rc&dur=1004&page=5&tbnh=176&tbnw=251&start=76&ndsp=20&tx=146&ty=66